Beware of unemployment scams

The pandemic creates many opportunities for online scams, including targeting those who are unemployed. Since the enactment of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), identity theft is on the rise as scammers seek to access lucrative unemployment benefits. Capturing personal information to file a fraudulent unemployment claim is easier than ever. Indiana Department of Workforce Development recently reported that 23 percent of jobless claims filed are fraudulent.

Although it’s important to remember the everyday basics about protecting your identity online such as not providing your social security number on unsecured websites, it’s important to keep a few more safety tips in mind as scammers get smarter in stealing personal information. A recent article from Breach Secure Now (BSN) details how creative online scammers have become in getting enough personal information to file fraudulent unemployment claims. One trick includes promoting a contest or an email that you are approved for stimulus benefits. Tips for protecting your identity include monitoring your credit report regularly and NEVER paying to file for unemployment. Read the full article here.
As an employer, it is important to stay vigilant about unemployment claims. A few suggestions include educating your workforce about identity theft and the most common scams used to obtain personal information (telemarketing, email phishing, etc.). Another recommendation is to ensure all company data is protected to reduce the risk of valuable employee information landing in the wrong hands.

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